Not every groom is up for an evening of stripper and stogies to celebrate his last night as a single gent. And, while cities offer up a plethora of stipperias and stoggerias, we have an idea for your more laid back bachelor party that cities offer in equal measure: the barbershoperia!

We love old-school city barbershops. The joints of days gone by where men would lay back for a shave, get their hair tightly cropped and, in some cases, crack open a brew or two. And, with the explosion of hipster barbershops, the world is your oyster when it comes to planning a modern-day barbershop bachelor party.

Gather all your gents for an evening of shaves and trims. Rustle a flight of your favorite malts: beer, scotch or otherwise. Spin in your favorite beats and make an evening of getting groomed. Head into the night in your fine mad men style to another of our favorite city haunts: the steak house or, steakeria.

And, if the mood strikes, well… you know where you can head to next! 


Some of our favorite barbershops across our featured cities are: Freeman's Sporting Club in NYC, Baxter Finley in LA, Joe's Barbershop in Chicago, The Strand Barbers in Mexico City, Garrison's Barbershop in Toronto, and Frank's Gentlemen's Salon in Columbia, SC and Denver, CO.